Thursday, April 7, 2016

There Is Not One Solution

We live in a society, where those people who protect us and put their lives on the line for us everyday are perceived as enemies to a vast majority of our nations people. These people go out to work and their loved ones wonder wether or not they will come home from their shift, alive. There are so many good officers out there yet, the sad part is rarely do we hear about them or see them on the news. In my opinion if the United States wants to stop police brutality, it must consider fixing the way it trains cops, giving body cameras to every department throughout our nation and consider looking into alternatives besides guns.

Throughout my second blog post I explained the way in which cops are trained. In short, they are trained to shoot and kill. Truthfully, I believe that the training they receive is the most important part. This is the foundation that cops base their decisions on. If in training they are taught to shoot to kill, then they are going to do so. Cops need to spend less time on learning to shoot guns and more time on how to defuse the situation with words.

The gun situation in our nation is a little more complex. It saddens me to think that on our soil alone, we have more guns than any other nation. The reality is that the gun laws in our nation need to be stricter. It baffles my mind that an eighteen year old can go into any gun shop throughout the United States and purchase a gun. Of course depending on the state, there are different requirements, but just think about that for a second, eighteen years old. However, for the gun laws to change in our nation, this must be done by the federal government. Though there have been numerous attempts by the Obama administration, these attempts haven't been clearly all that successful. With congress and the President both pushing for stricter gun laws, we can only hope that this will prevent the the worst criminal from having guns.

Mentioned in my second blog was the idea of having officers not weapons. This has been done in a variety of nations around our world such as, Britain, Iceland and Ireland. Research has found that the citizens in these nations feel more comfortable with officers, and officers feel that they have never really needed to use a weapon/ felt unsafe. In our nation, I believe that officers not having guns would be difficult. I say this because, as mentioned before we have more guns on our soil than any other nation out there.  If we put cops out on the streets in our most dangerous cities with out protection, we would be putting them in a danger. This would also create an advantage for the criminals. If the cop said to the criminal, wait don't shoot me I don't have a gun, do you think he/ she would listen, I think not? There are taser guns out there, however very few police departments use them. Yet we must also take into consideration, that these taser guns could be putting cops at a disadvantage because the criminals will have real bullets.

Our government has also invested a ton of money into body cameras. Hopefully, in a few years every cop in the United States will be equipped with one. Though this would be a very large investment, I do believe that its one that will help to solve a lot of unanswered questions. After all, if the officer in the Michael Brown incident was wearing a body camera, the outcome of the case could of been completely different. A police officer can not just turn off his camera in the middle of a dispute. Remember body camera don't lie.

The American people, need to put faith into its Police forces. These people risk their lives everyday for us, yet they don't get the respect they deserve. We need to look at the way we train officers, our gun laws, and keep investing in body camera until every police department in our nation is equipped with them. Once all these things are done, I believe that no longer will police be seen our enemies but our protector.


  1. I really liked this post. It was a great way to end your blog and bring everything together. I think you did a good job showing there isn't just one solution and there are positives and negatives to each solution. One thing I thought was interesting was how you pointed out an 18 year old can buy a gun. Well, an 18 year old can also go to war. It's hard for me to justify that and not gun purchases, even though they may not need it.

  2. There will never be one solution as much as I want there to be. If that is the case, then this problem would already be solved since any complex problems can be broken down to make it simpler However, some many factors of this really make this problem continuous. Especially the public's perception of cops... So, I definitely agree that it is time that the "American people need to put faith into its police forces." Great post!!

  3. Bearing arms is an American right which is why I understand why so many are against having laws that are too strict on gun laws considering that may be safety if the govn't decides they want to go into martial law. Which is why I believe that officers should have guns to protect themselves. However, I believe that when put into certain situations you have options. Shooting someone 108 times? I am certain that was excessive. Continuing to choke someone after they have begun to comply? Excessive. Beating a woman and leaving her to bleed to death? Excessive. There's a difference between self defense and using it as an excuse to avoid punishment for completing crimes against those you are supposed to protect. From my understanding you have to have a pretty good shot in order to shoot to kill which means that if you really wanted to, or really felt fear,having a shot that's able to weaken the criminal's stance would be better. Fact of the matter, officer's do not get paid to judge, juror, and executioner. An officer's only job is to detain anyone that may be causing harm and then the rest is settled through the court system. And I think it should be noted that I do not hate ALL police. But those that think they are more than a man just because they have on a uniform... well all that I can say is that they should think about is someone did to them what they do unto others.

  4. The day I turned 18, I went to a licensed firearm dealer and purchased an AR-15, commonly and inaccurately called an assault rifle. After going through my background checks at the computer for over 1.5 hours, I brought my new firearm home with me. Yet at the age of 18, I had over 8 years of firearm experience. Almost all fellow firearms owners I know are well versed in firearm safety and operation, posing no threat to society at large. As an 18 year old I have the right to own a firearm for whatever reason I wish. As for officers shooting to kill, try having someone charge at you. To try and give our two sense about the situations officers are put in is difficult. Shooting to kill is necessary if that person poses a threat. As always, if you respect officers and follow their orders, no shots will be fired.
